Special Forces Photos

Photos from SF in SE Asia by Detachment

Category Albums Files
A-231 (Buon Enao/Ban Don/Soui Doi/Tieu Atar)
A-232 (Buon Tah/Buon Uing/Buon Brieng/Tan Rai)
A-233 (Bun Ho/Buon Mi Ga/Buon Ea Yang/Trang Phuc)
A-234 (Dam Pau/Phey Srunh/An Lac)
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A1/311 (Dam Pao) (8/62-2/63)

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A1/411 (Dam Pau) (1-63-7/63)

A1/411 was from the ROCK-1SFG, OKI, and was the pilot team into Camp DAM PAO, Krong Kno Valley between Tuyen Duc and Darlac Provinces, 1962 under my auspices, the original Military Sector Commander under JFK secret volunteers program. A404 was commanded by Lou Campbell. 1LT Frederick Terry was second; MSG Garcia was Ops; I believe Tommie Tucker was Intell. Our medic was a great young man, later , on his fourth RVN tour, killed in the relief at DAC TO hit by stray bullet in UH1 at 3,000 ft over the camp. Believe demo was a SFC or MSG Hernanez. I will research others and also try to get photo if I have any in my “baggage.”. You will recall that in those days photos were discouraged, as was any direct evidence of US presence. “Vince” Lang was B Tm Leader. Morton as the big shot from SAIGON.
A404 did an outstanding job—I always felt that it was due to their repeated TDY to WHTE STAR in LAOS—they came to me directly from WHITE STAR, which, because of the six months tdy restriction meant that I lost them sooner than I was willing. I wrote all the foresaid up for Silver Stars (along with our TAC—don’t remember his name—we had to carry him out of the valley ahead of VC, two days, with bullet in his head. No medevac in those days) before leaving country (the first time), July 3, 1963. Fred Terry later went into Army Aviation and I believe was later killed—how, when, where I do not know.

Again, great team. We spent lot of hours in the dark reminiscing about the “Shark” and WHITE STAR. Remember one day in June, 1963, S&S (the paper that we got weeks late when we got one) had an interview with JFK wherein he said “in Vietnam we are making our nation’s best effort.” The team agreed that if that was really the case then we should “all start investing in Russian War Bonds!”

Long ago and far away. I miss each of them.

Lou Dechert, JFKSWC; B, 6th SFG; Pol Sec, USEMB, Bolivia; B53 SOA,5th SFGA, MACSOG; DepCO, 5TH SFGA; G3, 1FFV.

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A1/414 (Dam Pau) (7/63-1/64)

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A1/411 (Dam Pau/Phey Srunh) (12/63-6/64)

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A1/423 (Phey Srunh) (5/64-11/64)

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A1/431 (Phey Srunh) (10/64-5/65)

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A5/133 (Phey Srunh/An Lac) (PCS) A-234 (An Lac) (4/65-3/70)

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7 albums on 1 page(s)

A-235 Nhon Co
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SSG Clarence R Dighton - A-235

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1 albums on 1 page(s)

A-236 (Lac Thien/Bu Prang)
A-237 (Song Mao/Luong Son)
A-238 (Phuoc Thien/Buon Blech)
A-239 (Krong Kno/Buon Sar Pa/Duc Lap)

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