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 Last additions - 31st Engineer Detachment

Camp Construction B-50, Ban Me Thout, Dec 196780 viewsLeveling sites for US billets with asssitance from 31st Engr Det grader. SSG Partain (squatting in tiger fatigues) with foreman deciding where more dirt is needed and checking level.Nov 12, 2014

83 viewsNov 12, 2014

81 viewsNov 12, 2014

92 viewsNov 12, 2014

72 viewsNov 12, 2014

Beginning of camp construction for B-50101 viewsCarrying dirt to level building site for US billets. Contractor's labor force.
Late Dec 1967, Ban Me Thuot, RVNOct 11, 2014

Camp construction B-5099 viewsClearing & cutting bamboo for camp site.
Early Dec 1967, Ban Me Thuot, RVNOct 11, 2014

B-50 Camp Construction103 viewsBrush & bamboo along trail that ran through new camp site. Trail & clear area wide enough to drive vehicles through. Note dozer tracks.
Dec 1967 Ban Me Thuot, RVNOct 11, 2014